Okay, so I am little bored. Everyone has been sick in our home so I haven't had the camera out much. I saw someone post a photo from this website and I thought I would go check it out and I found the Incredibles. FUN!! If my hubby sees this he might just kill me. The girl is our dog Solomon. Hehehe Create your own FACEinHOLE
I for one am glad to see 2008 go. I really don't know why except maybe that I have alot of goals I want to accomplish in '09 and I am looking forward to them. The most recent thing that we will be starting is the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class. Ricks dad and Anne are sponsoring us so we can take the course. Thank you very much guys! Our preview class is this coming Sunday night. I am pretty excited about the new journey. I hope that we can follow this plan and help us live debt free! I am going to try and finish out the old year today with some more pictures that were taken the last few months. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that 2009 is a great year for each an every one! Thanks for keeping up with my blog and I would love to hear from you. I am going to keep on keepin on with my posts until only God knows when. I hope you will still continue to stop by. Happy New Year! Big A helping daddy with some of the honey dos. Teach 'em right dad! ;)
The dogs are happier since the weather has turned cold. I let them in the house more.
This photo is a rare one. Bubby doesn't usually fall asleep at the table. I even had to take part of a french fry out of his mouth. Look closely and you can probably see it. LOL!
I know, I am half nuts for taking pictures of food but I wanted to share the abuse that these Oreos went through! Another Bubby trick. Heheheehehe... He always just eats the creme. I know how to get him to eat it all. Give the boy a glass of milk to dunk them in. Right!?!?!?! Yes I am right. Its the only way to eat an Oreo. Hahaha!
My baby loves super heros!
My brother-in-law and their itty bitty dog, QT. His name is said like the word cutie but my nephew has told us his name is QT because QT is a boy and my nephew doesn't want his dog named cutie. :)
My nephew at Thanksmas '08
All the kiddos! Thanksmas '08
My neice. She broke her arm in gymnastics. :( Haven't heard lately but I hope you are doing alot better and the cast will come off soon. Love ya'll
Nana cookin in the kitchen. Thanksmas pic again.
One afternoon I walked out my backdoor and looked at the dogs. I turned right around back into the house for my camera because the sun was shining so nicely on Solomon that I had to take a picture. Getting a good picture of a black dog is not easy. I usually can't get the details to come out because he ends up looking like a big shadow. So here they are I wanted to share them with ya.
This was my last picture of them. They THOUGHT I wanted to play. Wrong!!