Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys....ewwwwwwww!

Wait for it...(the most still I have ever seen Aiden) Mommy gets goose bumps.
He really won't let this happen will he?
Wait for iiittttttttt..... (Aidens words) I am still getting goose bumps and start to shudder.
Wait for it...

I am sitting there thinking I am going to get the worst mommy of the year award for letting such horrible things happen to my child for his amusement.

Wait for it.......

I faint, come to, then pick myself up off the ground. I grab my camera (must...shoot...memories...)


Arrrgghhhh!!!!!!!! He is alive inside...giggling, excited, walking on the wild side of life.
I am dying inside...groaning, cringing, hands covering my mouth....must march on and get pictures. I am such a champ huh?

Shut your mouth baby! Eww Ewww Ewwwwww! Do you know where his little legs have been? My stomach is turning.
Alright I am done...where is that fly swatter? I may go after the both of them just because he was amused that this was FREAKING ME OUT! LOL! In all seriousness and when my heebee jeebees faded away. I was pretty impressed that he took such care of the walking stick. He gave it "rides" for quite a while until I told him that the walking stick has done its time and he needed to go put the poor thing on the tree. It even left with all its extremities.