Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summers End

We are trying to finish up our summer with a bang. My oldest baby is going to start preschool in a couple of weeks. This is my last year to have my baby at home and then he starts school. My mother made the comment, "your life will never be the same soon." OUCH! MOMMMMM!!!! I know you are right but I am not ready for the reality of it. I am happy, sad, and excited for him. Aaron did go to summer school for about a month this year so we are kinda used to it.
Anyways, here are some pics of some of the summer fun...
I called my mom one morning and told her that I had to go out and run some errands that day and I was really not wanting to do any of it. After getting off the phone with her I started to get ready to go. A few minutes later she called back and asked me if she could go with us and we could spend the afternoon out at the park. Woo Hoo! My whole morning woke up then. Fun stuff!

When I was done taking care of my "business" stuff Mom bought us all Mickey Ds for lunch and then we went to the park for a picnic!

When the boys were done eating they played on the playground for a while. Next we went over and fed the geese all the leftover french fries. Pretty cooolll!!!

The rest of the afternoon we played hide and seek (actually they played. I took pics.) Rolled down the hill. Aiden learned a very valuable lesson that day. Don't run down the steep hills. He went face first. Owwww!!! You should be proud, I quit taking pictures for a few minutes. Hahaha! When the boys were beginning to get pretty hot, we loaded up the ole Jeep and went to my moms to fish in the pond. We didn't have any fishing poles or bait. That was fine cause my boys are only 3 and 4 and they are happy to fish with sticks, yarn and marshmellows. Perfect Day!

At the end of the day I was driving home. There is a swan that lives at a pond and I see him almost every time I go out. He is so pretty and helps me remember why I love living here. I decided to stop and get some pics of him. He was pretty far away and I stayed on the road to take my pictures. If I would have tried to get closer I probably would have fallen into the deep ditch and that would have made my perfect day pretty rotten. Needless to say, he topped my day off just fine.
Ya'll come back now and check fer some more posts, ya hear!?!


Anonymous said...

These pics started my day with a smile. Just give my boys a great big "Bear" hug from Nana.

Betty "CC" Gray said...

Michele!!!!!! OMG! This was awesome. :-) Love Aaron peeking from behind the tree and the one of Aiden on the boardwalk. Awesome! Tell mom I'm totally loving the hair!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,

You have become such the writer!! Also the photography is very amazing. I am impressed with my big Sis!!! I love that pic of Aaron in the red shirt.

Talk to you soon

Love ya Sis