Friday, February 20, 2009

Great Neighbors

One of the other benefits of living where we live. My next door neighbor has a hair salon at her house. I love it. If the kiddos start looking shabby I can give her a call to see if she has any openings and we take a little stroll over to her home and get their hair cut. Aaron has even gotten old enough that he can run over there by himself to get his cut. I love it and Patty is great with the boys. She always offers them a lollipop and they know that.
The last time I sent Aaron over there he asked ahead of time if he could get a sucker from Patty and I told him no cause he just had two pieces of candy here. I got a phone call later from Patty saying that Aaron was such a good boy. She told me she offered him a sucker and he declined saying that mommy told him he couldn't have one. I was so proud of him! He is getting to be such a big boy! Another neat thing about having such a great neighbor doing my boys hair; I can bring my camera anytime I want. Even if it isn't the first haircut. Patty lets mommy be kooky whenever mommy wants to be! Thanks for being such a great neighbor Patty!!!! We love ya!
I still go over with Aiden, someday he will be able to go on his own. Not rushing it though! :)

Aiden showing me his crazy hair right before we left for Pattys one morning.

He is a good customer!

1 comment:

Angela Toucan said...

such a good happy boy! and I'm proud of Aaron too.