Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2 High School Graduates this Year

My nephew Stephen graduated high school last Sunday and my cousin TJ graduated as well. Same time, same day, different school. I don't know why schools do that. The schools are a close enough distance apart to communicate to each other and realize that alot of the local communities have family and friends that go to different schools. They get the sports figured out so you would think they could get the graduations worked out. Sorry for the rant about it but we went through this last year also. Grrrr! Anyways the day was still great and we had a all-in-one get together at Grandmas afterwards. My nephew Stephen!!! Love you and proud of you!

Great Job TJ! You are finally done....with school. Now the fun begins! ;)

1 comment:

Betty "CC" Gray said...

Steven! Congrats!!! Can't believe he's this old. Wow!