Yesterday was Aarons last day of pre-k. It was finished off with a fun last day of school party. They had yummy snacks, played games, adorable hats and sunglasses and topped off with a goody bucket to take home. It was really neat. Next week we will have graduation. This is all kind of sad for me. Next year he will enter kindergarten and that seems to bother me more than starting pre-k because this seems so more "official" to me. Oh well...can't stop time...
The biggest heart melt I received that day was when I was getting ready for bed. I could hear the boys in their room talking (should have been sleeping :) ) and most times I would have told them to quite down and go to sleep but not tonight...Why?
I was listening to Aaron tell Aiden all about his party earlier in the day.
For once and I believe the first time Aaron was telling his baby brother about his day and Aiden was listening to him and asking questions. I wasn't in the room but the vision in my head was beautiful. The room dark with only the light of the fish tank and the bubble noise from the filter and my babies, in their beds, talking about their life. I will never forget it. I am sure it has happened before but with my day coming to an end and everything quieting down...I could hear them. Such peace.
Most days Rick and I comment to each other about our boys running around yelling, fighting, playing, lots of motion and we say they are crazy beautiful. Tonight was just beautiful. :)
Next year Aiden will be able to share stories with Aaron about Pre-K.
cute hat. we don't have ceremonies like that here except for university graduation.
You look fab in your new header photo!
I wish they would of done that for my daughter when she finished up PreSchool June 10th. All they did for her was send home a certificate. Oh well at least she got one. My son did not get anything for 2 years of PreSchool...Congrats Aaron
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