Friday, May 15, 2009

Pre-K grad night!!!

Last night was great. Aaron finally had his pre-k graduation and it was adorable! They had a short program first (Each had their own little line) and then they came down from the stage, lined up in the back of the gym, put their caps on and then march back up to the front to receive their diplomas. Hats off the the patient teachers!!!

Mrs. H had thirty little squirrely kiddos. 15 in the AM and 15 in PM. I don't know how she did it every day.

Aarons line, "Ghosts so scary" Very cute. Then they all sang a song to go with it.

The pictures were pretty blurry. Sorry about that. I was way in the back. BUT...Aaron still saw us back there. :)

Some of the students received awards. Aaron got one as well. His says that he has been shining in preschool! He recognizes all 26 capital letters, 8 shapes, and 11 colors! He has a truly bright future! Congrats my little one!


Angela Toucan said...


Betty "CC" Gray said...

Okay, I'm almost in tears. I have been gone for way too long. When did these boys grow up so much! I totally love your blog photo with the three of you. Tell Mom I said hello and she looks so good with the short hair.