Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas time pictures

We had a good time this Christmas. The boys made out like little bandits and they are grinning from ear to ear. I just wanted to share some pictures with ya!

(Betty, my camera takes awful pictures when I don't use the flash! Grrrrr. I know you are just eyeing the shadows! LOL. When I get my Rebel I will work on it. K?)

I also wanted to share a couple of other pictures with you. This one of Aiden was taken about a year ago in out backyard in Memphis. I looked at it and instantly thought of Donald Trump. LOL! Aiden looks to be saying, "Your fired!" LOL! Couldn't pass this one up!

On this last picture, I took this this afternoon. We have another round of snow with another round coming in on Thursday night. Anyways, we looked outside and saw Cardinals everywhere. I filled up the bird feeders yesterday and forgot all about them until Rick pointed out all of our little visitors. I really had fun watching them today.

1 comment:

Betty "CC" Gray said...

I can't believe that Aiden used to be that little. Look at him.

Tell mom hello. She's looking good with the short hair! :-)